A Big Problem That No One Ever Thinks About Is Solved By This Truck
When people think of homelessness, the number one issue that comes to mind is that of hunger. The number two issue would probably be providing a roof over their heads. Both are valid issues that appropriately deserve a lot of attention and effort to solve, but there’s another issue that is less commonly thought of.
What do those of us that aren’t homeless do every day, and likely take for granted? We shower! Unfortunately, one of the problems that go along with not having housing is not having proper facilities to clean oneself.
While some people simply say homeless people should, “Go get a job,” consider how difficult that proposition might be in actuality. Not only would a homeless person likely need access to presentable clothing, but they would also need access to facilities in order to clean themselves and present well to an interviewer.
As charitable as some people are, most employers will share the base requirement of a presentable application. Although that’s a fair requirement, it’s one that might be difficult for homeless people to meet without help.
One organization is attempting to solve this problem and provide assistance in a unique way.
FOCUS North America has introduced their latest initiative, Shower To The People. This initiative operates out of a repurposed truck that is intended to help homeless people restore some of their dignity with cleaning facilities. The trucks are fully mobile and equipped with multiple showers and sinks which enable them to help more people at any given time.
This charitable group based out of St. Louis has one purpose: “Shower to the People attempts to restore dignity, give rise to hope, and empower upward mobility to our fellow humans currently living on the streets of our cherished city.”
While society might tell us that the poor are in some capacity lesser to us, this organization believes that simply being charitable is a corrosive attitude that can replace empathy with pity.
By working to help homeless people in the St. Louis community regain their dignity, these volunteers are most certainly demonstrating empathy instead of pitying them. Shower To The People is trying to proactively support homeless people to further improve their lives by offering tangible and practical assistance.
If you’d like to learn more about the Shower To The People movement, check out this informative YouTube video below. Many are commenting their profuse support and encouragement for the project.
Using social media, you can follow Shower To The People on Facebook, or keep up to date with their latest news on Twitter.
We encourage you to share this story with your friends and family, and we hope that it serves as a reminder to always be empathetic to the plight of others. We can all proactively help our fellow humans in different ways, and we can work together to make this world a better place!