In fact, there are a number of different fun arts and crafts you can create with crayons and a little bit of creativity. So before you throw away those old or unused crayons, think long and hard if there are any cool DIY projects you can take on.One such project could be a cool DIY crayon picture frame. This is a great way to add some color to your home decor or show off your children’s artwork and pictures at the office. And even if you aren’t very artistically sound, you can still take on this project.Crayons1

The frame is extremely easy to make and the kids can even do one with you and it makes for a great back to school craft. It is a super imaginative way to transform regular crayons into a great piece of art. And the best part about it is that you can make such a cute project, with ease in almost no time.


But in addition to crayons, there are likely dozens of other items you have laying around your house that can be used for similar upcycling projects. Almost anything can be rejuvenated and turned into something that is not only useful but also gorgeous. But, back to the frame.

The first step is to gather and find all of your supplies. Being that this is a fairly quick and easy project, there aren’t many supplies involved. All you need is a big box of crayons, a wooden picture frame, a small knife and a hot glue gun.

First things first, you need to measure the length of the crayons and match it to the desired length for your frame, and then cut off the excess. After doing this and mapping out where and how you want the crayons to be situated, its time to get the hot glue gun.


After applying glue to the crayons, it is important that you hold the crayon down until the glue cools off and hardens, to make sure everything stays in place. Do this for each and every piece of crayon you apply to the frame.

And after this step is done, so is your frame. You now are the proud owner of a beautiful frame and the only thing left to do is find out which picture you are going to put in it. Then, you can decide where in your home or office you want to put it.

This would go great in a child’s room to show off their art or could even be put on a mantle or fridge. In addition to keeping the frame for yourself, it would make a great gift for your child’s teacher as well.