This Amazing Cooler Stand Makes Getting Drinks a Breeze
| By David Clarke
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There is nothing like reaching into a cooler on a hot summer day and grabbing an ice cold beer to drink. And while summer is almost over, there will be a few great days still ahead on us this month where we can put these coolers to good use. But while these coolers are great, there are few things more annoying than having to bend over and reach all the way into the bottom of the cooler to get your drink.
Not only are you going to freeze your hand off, there is a good chance you could severely injure your back and/or legs due to constantly bending over. So this all makes you think, why do we keep these coolers on the ground? Wouldn’t it be more convenient to put them on a table or on a stand, and also save people some possible injuries in the process?
Well, that is the exact question an Instructables user named tdrev82 pondered every time he was at a party. So one day, instead of just accepting this is how coolers always have and always will be, he began using his imagination to think about what it could be.
In fact, he devised a plan to created himself an amazing stand that would not only make his cooler easier to access and more practical but would also have a number of other features that party-goers would love. And while some places do make and sell stands for coolers, they can also be expensive and wouldn’t have the customization ones that his homemade DIY version would.
Some of those features included a drainage spigot, magnetic bottle opener, a shelf for storing and much more. He would also craft it all by himself out of wood, and it looks simply amazing.
First of all, he had to find a cooler to put in the stand and he found one for a cheap price at a local garage sale. Next, he had to create the wooden frame for the specific cooler he chose so it would fit like a glove. After crafting the bottom, he also added some siding to really encase the cooler in his creative stand.
After completing all of that and adding a lid, he decided to add some personality to the project by adorning the logo of his favorite team into the wood. And once that was done, he was ready to add all of those brilliant little features I mentioned earlier. The shelf and the spigot were extremely easy to build and would save him a ton of time later on, as the spigot would allow him to quickly drain water from the cooler and the shelf would be a nice little spot to place snacks.
And just like that, his new cooler was ready for its debut at a party or tailgate. And with its unique design and great functionality, this cooler is sure to be a fan favorite at his next gathering or party.
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